Saturday, July 24, 2010

We Leave Tomorrow

Hello all! It is time for one more update from Brazil. The last couple of days have gone by quickly. On Wednesday we went out with some friends. We ended up not going to the Hard Rock Cafe, so we went out for Brazilian hamburgers (which are amazing!) and then to another restaurant to just hang out. Thursday was our last day of reading sessions. It was hard to say goodbye to our readers. They have made such an impact on us, and we pray that we have impacted them in some way. On Thursday evening, we had our final goodbye party. It was a nice time to relax, take pictures, and say goodbye to readers, church members, and other friends. The church has been such a blessing to us. They are such great people that are truly servants of God, and it was great to see them in action one last time. After the party, some friends took us out for a movie. We saw Eclipse, one of the Twilight saga movies. We had a very fun time afterwards when we got lost in Belo Horizonte! We encountered a massive and steep hill . . . there was screaming, and it was fun.

Friday was a day to sleep in before going to the church neighborhood to hang out for a while before going to a shopping mall. After shopping and some dinner, we went to another movie, Knight and Day (Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, etc.). It was highly entertaining and a fun way to just relax for the evening. We shopped a bit more afterwards before heading home.

Today has also been fairly calm. Chase and Kavan went to a club for some swimming, soccer, and sun while Natasha helped her host family clean the new house they are moving into just next week. Later we went to a party at the Zerlotini family home. They have truly become a second family to us. We have been very blessed to get to know them. They have had us over twice before to watch World Cup games. It was great to see them again and spend time with them. They are such a crazy fun family!

Now we are back at our homes and packing up. We hope that the flights go well. We are a bit nervous about the airports here as we had such difficulties coming in, so please keep us in your prayers. I do not remember the itinerary at the moment, but I believe we depart Belo around 2:30, fly an hour and a half to Sao Paulo, then leave for Miami around 9 PM. I think we hit Miami around 6 AM and then get on a plane for Dallas around 9. Once we get to Dallas in the afternoon, we have the rest of the day to relax, maybe go to a movie, enjoy the hotel pool, and that sort of thing. On Tuesday morning is our debriefing, and then we fly home on Tuesday night. It is a lot of travel, so please pray that it all goes smoothly for us.

Well, it is time to go to bed. We will update the blog a couple more times just to let you know that it went safely, give you some more pictures, and to give you some final impressions. Until then . . . tchau!

1 comment:

  1. The "debreifing" is great. At least, if you are getting to be in the same hotel with a bunch of other LST teams getting back. It is a really great way to ease into coming back into the states and so much fun to share stories with people who have been doing the same thing you've been doing for the past 6 weeks. Coming home is SO HARD. I'll be praying for you all and for your travel. Love you, and can't wait to see you all.
